Now, they can manage a distance of point up and down in the computer screen.
Three types of law curve are applied on the grid system and it shows that image.

We know the left one is normal grid. It has rectangular, square element in its system. But we also know there are several types of another grid system, triangles, rhombuses, hexagons. It means we already recognize about the deformation of the grid.
Many architect have tried to use that methods, grid deformation. and they also have invented a new type of the deformation of the grid.
These two pictures show a different side of the material treatment. In the steel mill, we can see a mass production. This means only a straight line and surface for its efficiency. But, as you can see in the right picture, if we want to use these production in the construction process of the free-form design, we have to modify each part to fit a suitable position. The size of these small triangle elements on the surface are diferent each other and they have to change the size of each element by hand. It is almost hand-craft work in 21 century. And I feel these shows us a some kind of conflict between manufacture and construction.
So, I think I will focus on the grid deformation whose result on the constructive elements. Structure and facade element will be my primary issue. These two factors usually belong to the grid system and they are main element of the building design.
Furthemore, I also think about the possibility of the normal material which we can use in nowadays, concrete, stone, brick, wood, plastics as suitable elements of free-form design expression.
In this condition, there are some unique system which is absolutely different from the normal grid system in its internal character.
Vornoi diagrame has a capacity to create a new order and shape.
So, at first, I will research the method of space construction using Vornoi formular and scripting in the 'generative component' and 'Rhino' programe. Before that, I have to set my object and condition which I will make.
And second, I will research the element which is brought out from the first stage.
I will make a structural experiment and environment experiment.
For example, (References from the essay of Hyun-Cheol Park,2008)
1.The rhombus grid is used in Herzog's Prada Aoyyama Building in japan.
(Photo by
2.The distortion of the grid system in Rem Koolhaas's Agadir hotel in Morocco
(Photo by El Croquies)
3.The omission and elimination of the grid system in Sejima's Glass pavilion at the Toledo museum of art.
(Image by Archidose)
4.The reiteration of the grid system in Peter eisenmen's the city of culture of Galicia.
(Photo by Arcspace)
5.The emerging grid in Toyo Ito's forum for Music, Dance and Visual culture in Gante.
(Photo by Arquitecturamashistoria)
As I told you at the first class, I want to research about the deformation of the grid system. In this research, the grid system means that the traditional way of making the material and visual thing what we have seen till nowadays in our life, surroundings. Before researching that, I want to talk about the reason why I will research that topic, even it seems not to be clear and definite. Historically, the grid system is developed for a long time, it is not an immutable thing itself. When people started to recognize a power of geometry in the early ages, they automatically understood the grid system and use it in their life. For example, they could make a thousand of adobe as a same size and they piled them up to make their house and palace. They could use a ruler and graduator to check size and dimension. From Vitruvius to Le corbusier, this linear based system (I want to say it is also a part of traditional grid system) was continued and even till now, most of manufacturer who produce various material keep this system in their environment.
But, from the starting point of the free-form design, it bring out serious problem between linear based grid system and curved shape from the process of the free-form design. In my opinion, it is a conflict, discord.
Recently, Toyo Ito who is an architect in japan announced his idea of the new grid system which is named as 'the Emerging Grid' in his exhibition 'the New 'Real' in Architecture 2008'. We can see many trials to overcome this unclear situation even except the case of Toyo Ito. Many architect try to make a new grid system and apply it to their new design and theory.
In my research, firstly I want to see the differences the character of normal grid system and free-form at the element level. Secondly, I look for the new grid system which is suitable for the free-form condition. It can come from the deformation of traditional grid system and it can use a non-linear formular as well.
In the next script, I will show you the general structure of this research.
Stand up architecture elective workshop:
The goal of the standup architecture workshops is to test and establish the process of analysis driven design in a well researched area to introduce students to the process of creating a hypothesis, a test case prototype a design iteration, evaluate and measure it and repeat the cycle. This should be seen as a preparation for the following semesters design research studio in which students get define their own research area around a given topic and ultimately their thesis which is completely open for them to define.