We had a presentation on last Monday and it was an oppotunity to make our topic more clear and obvious. I upload my presentation pages to confirm my process and I hope it will make a better communication between me and other person who still don't get a clear understanding on my issue.
I make a capture image from dictionary as you can see in the left. I think I have to check the meaning of the grid at first. Normally we know it means a framework of crisscross or parallel bars. We can see this grid system everywhere in your life. If you look around in your place right now, you can find the material which use this grid system. The grid system can be the order in design, especially in the architectural design. The reason why we use this grid system is it makes easy to use a material in the construction process.
We know the left one is normal grid. It has rectangular, square element in its system. But we also know there are several types of another grid system, triangles, rhombuses, hexagons. It means we already recognize about the deformation of the grid.
Many architect have tried to use that methods, grid deformation. and they also have invented a new type of the deformation of the grid.
These two pictures show a different side of the material treatment. In the steel mill, we can see a mass production. This means only a straight line and surface for its efficiency. But, as you can see in the right picture, if we want to use these production in the construction process of the free-form design, we have to modify each part to fit a suitable position. The size of these small triangle elements on the surface are diferent each other and they have to change the size of each element by hand. It is almost hand-craft work in 21 century. And I feel these shows us a some kind of conflict between manufacture and construction.
So, I think I will focus on the grid deformation whose result on the constructive elements. Structure and facade element will be my primary issue. These two factors usually belong to the grid system and they are main element of the building design.
Furthemore, I also think about the possibility of the normal material which we can use in nowadays, concrete, stone, brick, wood, plastics as suitable elements of free-form design expression.
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